Auditing of financial statements
Limited review of financial statements
Audit of grants
Other assurance reports
Reporting of factual findings
Assessment of liquidity forecasts, continuity analysis
Assessment of administrative organizations
Auditing on behalf of accountancy firms not licensed by the AFM
Advise on administrative organizations and internal control
Statutory Audit
Legal Control
At certain extent companies are subject to mandatory audits by law. Audits must be performed by an accountancy firm holding a ‘WTA’ license by the AFM. Mandatory audit is due when a company meets two years in a row, two out of three following conditions:
Employing over 50 people
Turnover exceeding 12 million Euro’s
A balance sheet total of 6 million plus Euro’s
A mandatory audit might cause mixed emotions, though it can turn out to be at help realizing your ambitions as well as giving you considerations in the decision-making process of financial operation or the internal organization.
Voluntary Audit
We perform voluntary audits on financial statements as well, for instance for foundations, associations and companies. For instance, when the owner is not engaged in the operation of the company. These audits can be of value for third parties as well, like stakeholders, suppliers, subsidy- and credit providers.
Review Engagements
A limited audit, compared to the statutory audit, in which the setup of an organization is being audited, without auditing the functioning of the administrative organization. Some industries must perform mandatory reviews by specific legislation, like notaries and travel agencies.
Subsidy Audit
We provide audits for various European, national, provincial or municipal subsidies on the grant statements. Through our experience with various grants, we can advise on the administrative processes in subsidies.
Further Assurance Services
Reports giving a certain level of assurance about historical or future information are not intended for general public, but solely for a limited number of stakeholders.
Report of Factual Findings
​In a report of factual findings, an accountant reports the factual findings derived from activities agreed with the client and/or users. An accountant does not give a statement about the significance of these factual findings for the whole (conclusion). In fact, the accountant only reports his observations during the execution of the agreed specific activities and makes a statement based on his or her expertise as an accountant.